Games for all divisions except 4U, 5U and VIP will typically begin the weekend after Labor Day. 4U, 5U and VIP programs will begin the following weekend. We may have a Soccerfest for players to welcome them to the Region and back to playing soccer.
For Divisions 19U and 16U, mid-November.
For all other divisions, the season will end the weekend before Thanksgiving. For teams 9U, 10U, 12U and 14U which earn enough Volunteer Points will earn the opportunity to participate in playoffs which will take place during the two weekends following Thanksgiving.
All the rules are explained on the What Division Am I In? page.
A "Move-up" in AYSO occurs when a player who is age eligible for a Division is given permission by Region 76 to play "up" a Division with older children. This typically occurs when a child wishes to play "up" in the next highest Division to be with his or her classmates (8U or lower age divisions) or because they have demonstrated particular advanced development with skills and emotional maturity.
Allowing a player to "move-up" will be determined by the Region 76 Board or those designated by the Region 76 Board to make the decision. By its very nature, the decision to allow a child to move up or not is subjective. Therefore, Region 76 will utilize whatever resources available to properly assess what is best for the player, family, and the Region. The decision will be made solely by the Region 76 Board or those members of the board appointed by our Regional Commissioner to make the decision (typically Division Directors along with our Region Technical Director, etc.). Parents may also provide whatever information they believe may best assist the Region in making its determination. Move up requests beyond a one year age difference will not be considered except for rare and unusual circumstances. Region 76 will take physical development, skills development, and psycho-social factors into account. Once a decision has been made, it may be appealed to the Regional Commissioner for a final review.
Please be aware that it may work better for your child to have him or her play in their proper age group even though other players in the same grade are playing in the older one.
Games take place mostly on weekends. Usually, it's one game a week but for players in 19U and 16U, there are several weekends where there are two games, one on Saturday one on Sunday. The games can take place any time of the day (otherwise, if you think about it, your team would always play the same team).
Divisions 4U, 5U and 6U have a combined practice and game at the weekend. All other Divisions have one practice a week in mid-week after school. The older players may have their practice in the evening. We have very limited practice slots, so we typically allocate younger teams to earlier time slots and older teams to later time slots.
All of the Schedules (and most schedule changes) are posted on our website, beginning in late August. The Upper Division schedules are posted the day after Labor Day. Once posted, schedules can change so you should check the posted schedule regularly.
This is how we expect to schedule games in the Fall, but it is not final until they are posted. Also, the schedules for the Extra program are handled separately.
Saturdays |
19U |
16U |
14U |
12U |
10U |
9U |
8U Boys |
Sundays |
19U |
16U |
8U * |
7U |
6U |
5U |
4U |
* 8U Boys will potentially play on Saturday or Sunday or both. Families will be given a choice of preference upon registering their player.
EPIC program - To be determined.
The Extra Program is currently anticipated to include one team each in B14U, B12U, B11U and B10U and G14U, G12U, G11U and G10U. These teams will practice twice a week and will have one game a week either home in Beverly Hills or away in a neighboring region.
Blocks of practices times and places will be allocated among the divisions and the division directors will in turn allocate the slots among the teams in their division. No practices for 6U. As a general rule, the youngest players (7U, 8U and some 10Us) practice at 4 pm for an hour; 10Us and 12Us at 5 pm for an hour; 14Us (and some 12Us and 16Us) at 6 pm for an hour or an hour and a quarter; 16Us and 19Us (and some 14Us) at 7:15 pm for an hour and a quarter to an hour and a half. It could be any day of the week, although we avoid late Friday evening practices unless the coach and team really want them.
We will continue to try to avoid scheduling practices on Mondays for the 10U, 12U and 14U divisions. We hold open practices to which any player can come and receive expert coaching from the professional coaches and the most experienced volunteer coaches in our region.
Teams are formed in August when we have a reasonably accurate idea of how many players will sign up and how many teams we need to form. Our objective is to try and have team rosters released prior to Labor Day weekend.
No matter when teams are formed, we do not allow player notifications until an embargo date each year generally near the last day in August. The reason for this is so that we can ensure that all coaches are properly trained and certified and the verify balanced teams.
Because our volunteers cannot call all ~2,000 players, we do two things:
After the emabargo date, you can log in and check your Dashboard where your player's team assignment will be listed.
We delegate to each head coach the task of contacting their players' families. No one will call before the embargo date.
We may be able to send you an email, but this will not happen until all teams are formed. Please be patient, as a coach may be on vacation during the week the embargo on notifications is lifted or your player may be in a division that formed its teams a little late.
So far as your team assignment is concerned, wait until opening weekend of the season. After that, you can contact your division director. The division director's emails are listed on the Board and What Division Am I In? pages.
Log in to On your Dashboard, team listings will show up when we have released the teams. By the start of the season, if your player is still not assigned, you can send an email to our registrar.
We provide a uniform consisting of jersey, shorts and socks. These should be available through your coach after Labor Day weekend. Uniforms are generally not worn to practices.
All players must wear shinguards at games and practices.
No jewelry may be worn except for Medical Alert Bracelets, properly taped down. This includes any type of jewelry. Earrings must be removed before the start of each game and practice and will not be permitted to be taped over. There will be no exceptions to this rule allowed.
We encourage every player to bring their own ball to practices. Size 5 for 19U, 16U, 14U; size 4 for 12U and 10U; size 3 for 8U, 7U, 6U, and 5U.
Cleats are recommended for players 8 and older but most players have cleats right from the start.
Volunteer - contact us by email, phone, Pony Express, carrier pigeon - we need to hear from you. We have every different level of time commitment. Coaches, referees, team administrators, referee schedulers, Board members, paper pushers, tournament helpers, website designers, website news and photo editor, fundraisers for major field improvements, sponsors - OUR CHILDREN NEED ALL OF THESE TO KEEP THIS PROGRAM GREAT AND MAKE IT EVEN BETTER!
Click here to display a copy of the most recent budget submitted by Beverly Hills Region 76 to the AYSO National Office.