Become a Youth Referee

Welcome Youth Referees!

Our Region welcomes youth referee volunteers. Youth volunteers 12 years old and up can be certified to referee games two years younger than the volunteer. Volunteer points earned by youth referees can be contributed to a volunteer's team or a sibling's team.

Steps to Become A Referee

To volunteer as a Youth Referee please contact our Regional Referee Administrator and indicate your interest. Our Regional Referee Administrator will guide you through the process of becoming certified. The following steps must be completed by all Youth Referees:

  1. Create a Youth Volunteer Account (Must Be Done Through a Parent InLeague Account)
  2. Register as a Volunteer Referee
  3. Complete the REGIONAL REFEREE Certification Course
  4. Complete the Safe Haven Online Course
  5. Complete the CDC Concussion Awareness Online Course
  6. Complete the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Online Course