AYSO utilizes so-called “birth year” registration. Under birth year registration, age division is based solely on a player’s date of birth. For example, all players born in 2010 will be in the same age division, regardless of whether they were born in January or December, and also regardless of whether they’re in the same grade at school. The birth year registration system complies with the guidelines of U.S. Soccer, the governing body of soccer in the U.S.
As a rule, AYSO does not allow move-downs to a division below a player’s age group. We may, on a case-by-case basis, consider move-down requests based on grade, but only for players aged 9 or younger and only with the parents’ acceptance of certain conditions as follows:
If you agree to the terms above, please continue to submit the form below to request to move your player down this Fall season to the next younger age Division.