Team Expenses

Procedures for Tournament Team Expenses

Information for Parents

We use an online system for collecting money for use by tournament teams to pay for uniforms, tournament fees and other expenses related to their teams. There will be a per player charge, which will partly cover our costs. Here are the features of the system:

  1. Payments

    All funds owed by parents on tournament teams must be paid to AYSO Region 76 and not to the coach or team administrator. The region will accept payment only by credit card. The parent of a player assigned to a tournament team can log in, click on My Players and make a payment for the player in question of any amount - see para. 2 below for more detailed instructions. Each tournament team can determine how much and when it wants parents to do this.

  2. How to Make a Credit Card Payment

    Your coach or team administrator will tell you how much you will need to pay into the account at the beginning of the tournament season. To make a payment through our secure site, you must log in at Once you have logged in, click on My Account. Click on the tab entitled Team Assignments and click on the link Payment [team number] You will be taken a simple secure form to fill in to provide the amount, your credit card details and so on. Information about our Privacy Policy is available.

  3. Team Accounting

    All tournament teams will have an account with the region to track funds deposited for its credit or paid out on its behalf. Our intent is that once the team's season is over and all returned referee deposits are received, the Region will refund each parent any balance owing to them.

  4. Refund Policy

    The purpose of this system is to protect parents by assuring that expenses they are required to contribute to in order to participate on a tournament team will no longer be handled by making payments in advance to individual coaches or team administrators. Once the team has incurred an expense, you are not entitled to a refund of your share of the expense unless the expense is refunded to the team - for example, if the team enters a tournament and the tournament fee is returned because the team's entry is rejected or the referee deposit is refunded after a tournament because the team fulfilled its referee obligations to the tournament.

    As a general matter, we will keep your contributions in our account until the team's season ends. The team may use the account for any legitimate team purpose. As part of your parent commitment, you agree that if the your child's remaining balance in the Tournament accounting system is less than $25,the balance will be donated to the Region 76 Post Season Tournament fund to be used in the future. Balances over $25 will be refunded. However, parents may, if they wish, also choose to donate this refund to the Region 76 Post Season Tournament fund to be used in the future.

  5. Questions/Comments

    If you have a question about this policy, please contact our tournament directors at If you have a technical question, contact the webmaster at

Information for Coaches and Team Administrators

Coaches of tournament teams can log in as Registered Users and see the state of the account for their team. Click on Team Rosters & Admin and choose Tournament Accounting Report.

Under our procedures, under no circumstances shall a coach or tournament administrator solicit payments to be made to him or her for any amount to be made in any other manner for amounts in excess of $10. This includes payments for uniforms, tournament fees and referee deposits, sweatshirts and backpacks, coach gifts, deposits for block hotel reservations, or travel expenses of any kind.

An exception will be made for payment for meals at hotels and restaurants where payment is made on the spot or to reimburse expenditures already made. However:

  • No exception will be made for pre-planned events where payment by the parent is made in advance.

  • Also, a coach or team administrator can ask for a check or credit card number to be given directly to a vendor, so long as the vendor is not affiliated with a coach or team administrator.
  • A coach may not pay for a team to attend a tournament. All fees to attend tournaments must be made by regional check until (a) AYSO National changes its policy on acceptance of credit cards by tournaments AND (b) the region has itself modified the checks-only policy.

The basic objective is that coaches and team administrators may not handle nontrivial amounts of money on behalf of the team.

Finally, do not represent that a payment is tax deductible. See our Fundraising Rules Page for more information.