Lineup Cards (How-To)

How to properly fill out lineup cards (For Referees and Coaches)

Correctly filling out game cards is important! It helps ensure that out players are getting proper playing time and avoids errors with game results.

  • Coaches
    • Cards should be printed from InLeague on PROPER cardstock provided by Region 76. Coaches should reach out to their Division Director if additional cardstock is needed.
    • All Divisions should use the "Classic AYSO Line-Up Cards (2x/page, quarters, 18 players)" template except for Upper Division.
    • Please make sure all uniform numbers are properly entered into InLeague prior to printing out your Lineup cards.
  • Referees
    • Indicate when players are not playing with an "X". Goalkeepers are indicated with a "G".
    • Keep track of goals during the game with tick marks next to the player name. Only use numbers in the score box.
    • Print, do not sign, your name to ensure proper credit.
