Our system allows referees to select assignments using the inLeague portion of our region's website. Assignments are filled on a first come, first serve basis subject to approval by our referee schedulers. Once you have completed a referee clinic and are certified, you may use this system to select your referee assignments.
In order to schedule yourself online, you must have an account in our inLeague system. It is possible that you may already have an account. For example, many parents already have an account that was created during the player registration system. And all coaches have accounts as well. If so, you will use the same account to schedule your referee assignments. You will simply have to activate the referee functions in your account (see below).
Follow the steps below in order to begin scheduling your referee assignments:
Follow the directions to create your new inLeague system account. If you already have an account, you need to activate your account as a referee. Do this by skipping to step #3 on the create account page and use your existing username (email) and password to activate the referee functions for your account.
To get a user name and password, visit our regions website at www.ayso76.org and click on the Registered Users link in the top right hand corner of the page. Or go directly to this link https://www.ayso76.net, Once you see the main login page, click on "Register as New User"
Follow the instructions on the "On-Line Registration Page". If you are simply creating a new account in order to be a referee and are not registering children to play in our region, please read item #5 on this page. It will instruct you to go through this process but ignore anything related to children. Enter your email address and click "Proceed to Registration".
Enter the information required and select "Create Parent Record". At this point, you are done. You do not need to follow any other steps related to adding familly members to your profile.
Now that you have your password and username, return to the main login screen at https://www.ayso76.net by following the link on the screen or by clicking on the Registered User link on the regions website. Login to the website by entering your email address and password. Your email address will always be your username.
Once logged in, click on the "Activate Referee Functions" link in the top navigation bar under the heading "REFEREES". (If you already see the Self-Schedule and Allocate Points links, you are already activated and you can skip to step 5)
On the Referee Volunteer Information page, check the box that says "I would like to volunteer as a referee for AYSO" and then press "Update Volunteer Info". This is CRITICAL as you will not appear in the referee mailing list and you will not have the ability to schedule referee assignments unless you are in the system as a referee volunteer.
You should now see a screen with some optional information to enter. For example, if you are an upper division referee and want to sign up for U16 and U19 games, check that box. The rest of the information is purely descriptive and you can always come back to this screen at anytime to update the information by selecting "My Referee Record" under the REFEREE tab once you have completed the referee activation process.
Press the "Update Volunteer Info" button one more time to complete the activation. At this point, the Activate Referee Functions link should be replaced with the following options, My Referee Record, Self-Schedule, Allocate Points, and Cup Signup (if they were not there already).
Your account is now active. You will not need to repeat these steps again. Simply follow the directions to sign up for games.
Please remember that assignment requests are submitted in real time so it is possible that someone else can select an assignment you'd like if you wait too long.
Review the status of the schedule anytime by visiting https://www.ayso76.net/inleague/refschedule/
As always, if you get stuck, read the fine instructions again or email refscheduler@ayso76.org and we'll help you out.
Please remember that we like to share CR assignments, so please request at least an equal number of AR assignments also. Otherwise, the scheduler will make AR assignments for you
Points you earn as a referee DO NOT AUTOMATICALLY GET ALLOCATED TO A TEAM. Points will be allocated by the Regional Referee Administrator to a team with a player in your family profile.
As always, contact refscheduler@ayso76.org with any questions about this process.