Registration Fees and Information

This is your starting point to register for our next season of AYSO Region 76 Soccer! 

If you are ready to register now Proceed To The Registration Information Page.

Registration Fees and Information

Registration fees paid to AYSO Region 76 are to cover costs associated with the operation of our soccer program as well as for future equipment and capital projects, player scholarships, contributions to our schools and city as well as for any purpose our regional board believes is in the best interest of our volunteer youth sports organization.

*Scholarships are available for players whose families need assistance with registration fees. If you need assistance, please contact before registering.

*The City of Beverly Hills asks us to inform you that the City and its Recreation & Parks Department are not involved in the collection of fees by AYSO Region 76. Note that the City charges us about $40,000 a year for use of City and BHUSD school fields.





Early Registration Price (For a Limited Time!)

All Players April 15th, 2024 May 31st, 2024 $340

Regular Registration Price

All Players June 1st, 2024 October 31st, 2024 $390

EPIC Program Pricing

EPIC (Formerly VIP) Players
What Is EPIC?
April 15th, 2024 October 31, 2024 $50

What Division Am I In?

Division Assignments
(Fall 2024)


Born In

Playground 4U 2021
Schoolyard 5U 2020
6U 2019
7U 2018
8U 2017
9U 2016
10U 2015
12U 2013-2014
14U 2011-2012
16U 2009-2010
19U 2006-2008

Volunteer Participation

PLEASE VOLUNTEER WHEN YOU REGISTER AND BE GENEROUS WITH YOUR TIME. ALL OF THE CHILDREN WILL BENEFIT FROM YOUR INVOLVEMENT. WITHOUT OUR GENEROUS VOLUNTEERS, THE AYSO PROGRAM CANNOT EXIST. All teams 9U and above REQUIRE REFEREE POINTS to advance to the playoffs. In addition, players who wish to participate on All Star or Tournament teams should have REFEREE parents to help with being selected for teams.

Team Assignment & Practices and Games

Team assignments will be notified in late August or early September. DO NOT CONTACT US BEFORE SEPTEMBER 1. Please record the name and contact information of your coach and division director. There may up to two weekly practices, one mandatory, and one or two games per week. Punctuality is required for practices and games.

Team assignments are final. A coach cannot change a player's team assignment and cannot add players to any team. (Violation of this rule will result in immediate removal from any involvement in our soccer program.) We reserve the right to adjust teams to maintain team balance. Team assignments are not based upon religious school schedules, car pool needs or any criteria other than achieving balanced teams.

For additional information, please see our page on How We Make Up Teams and Deal with Requests.

For more information about game schedules and days on which games are played, please Visit Our FAQ.

Practice Opt-Out Days

We allow parents to request one weekday when their child cannot practice, and we do our best to accommodate. However, we cannot accommodate such requests in divisions 14U and above (birth years 2010 and earlier). Our priority is balancing our teams, and our experience has been that we cannot maintain team balance in these age groups while also accommodating scheduling conflicts.


A portion of the registration fee is non-refundable, and we do not give full refunds in most cases. Our refund policy is on a separate page. Please read the policy, including changes effective starting Fall 2022.

Changes to Contact Information

In some cases, you can log in to and make any changes yourself to your family record, your own information and your players' records. In other cases, you will need to e-mail our registrar at

Soccer Accident Insurance

For information on AYSO's Soccer Accident Insurance (SAI), which is included in the registration fee, please review AYSO's National Website.

Wait List

There are times when we may have more kids sign up to play in a specific division than we have room for or we do not have a sufficient number of certified volunteer coaches for a specific age division. In these cases we may be forced to place registered players on a Wait List until such time as either a new team is able to be formed or a space on an existing team becomes available. While this is not a common occurrence or a desired practice, it is sometimes necessary. In most cases, parents will be notified when they register that their child has been placed on a Wait List.

Players will not necessarily come off of the Wait List in the order in which they were placed on it. Region 76 will instead use a combination of factors to add players to teams or open spaces on teams. These factors include: Beverly Hills residency status, order in which the player was registered, rating of the player, and volunteer status of the parents.

When taking players from the Wait List, we must take into account all of the program objectives and AYSO Philosophies, starting with maintaining balanced teams. This means that when a player drops from a team, we will look for a player of similar ability on the Wait List - we will look to replace a dropping strong player with another strong player if at all possible and vice versa. If we are unable to remove players from the Wait List by the time 1/3 of the Fall season has been completed, we will offer parents the option of either a full refund or waiting until the halfway point of the season. If we are unable to remove players from the Wait List by the time 1/2 of the Fall season has been completed, we will provide parents a full refund.

If you are ready to register now Proceed To The Registration Information Page.