Register as a Volunteer

  1. Log in to InLeague ( and click on "Volunteer Registration" in the navigation bar to the left.
  2. Click on the green button for the current registration season.
  3. If your contact information is shown, be sure that all details are shown correctly. If not, contact the Region 76 Registrar. If your contact information is not already filled out, please fill out your contact information. Click on "Confirm Details" to proceed.
  4. Select one or more roles you would like to volunteer for in the current season. In order to be granted access to the referee functions in InLeague you MUST select "Referee". Click on "Submit Volunteer Preferences".
  5. Check the boxes in the agreement shown and type your name in the boxes at the bottom. Click "I Agree".
  6. Click on the link displayed to complete the background check process.
  7. IMPORTANT: Do not wait for a completed background check to do your certifications. While waiting for the background check to be completed, please proceed to Step 3 and complete the remaining steps.