Complete Background Check

  1. You will receive an invitation from Sterling Volunteers, the company chosen by AYSO to perform background checks. If you have not received the email, please check your spam folder. You may also access your individual background check link by the following steps:
    1. Log in to InLeague ( and click on "Family Profile" in the navigation bar to the left.
    2. Next to your name, underneath the column "AYSO REGISTRATION" is a link to "Begin Background Check". Please click this link and proceed to the next step below.
  2. You will need to create an account on the Sterling Volunteers website, separate from your AYSO account.
  3. Once the account is set up, you will spend a couple of minutes entering the information required to launch the background check. You will notice a $25 fee for the background check. Region 76 pays this fee for approved volunteers, but if you would like to help defray our costs, you may pay this fee by credit card.
  4. You’re finished registering when you get to the "Congrats!" screen. You’ll be notified by Sterling when the background check is complete. Results will be sent directly to AYSO.