Become a Youth Trainer (Youth "Coach")

Become a Youth Trainer

Our Region welcomes youth volunteers who would like to help train a team of younger players. Only adults 18 and over may be assigned to "Coach" an AYSO team. However, youth volunteers 12 years old and up can be certified to help train teams as a "Youth Trainer" under the supervision of a certified adult coach assigned to the roster. To become a "Youth Trainer", please complete the certification steps below.

Steps to Become An AYSO Youth Trainer

To volunteer as a Youth Trainer, please contact and indicate your interest. Our Coach Administrator will notify the appropriate Division Director of your interst and will help guide you through the process of becoming certified. The following steps must be completed by all Youth Trainers:

  1. Register as a Youth Volunteer
  2. Complete the Safe Haven Online Course
  3. Complete the CDC Concussion Awareness Online Course
  4. Complete the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Online Course
  5. Complete the Coach Certification Course (For the Division in which the Coach Administrator has indicated you may volunteer)